We don’t need to be scared of everything that falls from space. In fact, literal tons of space rocks rain down daily, though that’s mostly in the form of minuscule dust grains. But every 100 million years or so, catastrophe strikes in the form of a rock spanning miles.
The last one killed not just the dinosaurs, but three-quarters of all life on Earth. The effects on humans could be equally devastating — bomb shelters wouldn’t cut it in the face of such an event.
Get on a space mission to bring the planet out of danger and harmful attack of Asteroid. The irregularly shaped asteroids are moving fast in the direction of the planet.
Stop That Asteroid!
we know where most of these objects are. If they’re coming our direction, we’d likely have years of advance warning. And space is large and empty enough that a gentle nudge should be all that’s required to save the planet.
Game features:
Great graphics
Endless and Addictive
Simple controls